My Preacher, My Punisher

Garth Ennis signed at the Midtown Comics booth from 2pm to 3pm on Friday, October 8, at this year’s NYCC. Unlike last year, there was a two-item limit, which was strictly observed. While disappointing more than a few people in theĀ sizableĀ line, who suddenly had to choose from their stacks ofĀ Preachers andĀ Punishers andĀ The Boys, the decision to place a limit on items signed was likely in anticipation of the larger crowd the Comic Con drew this year. NYCC used more of the Jacob Javits Center real estate in an effort to make the event more San-Diego-Comic-Con-esque .

Garth Ennis signs at the 2010 NYCC.

One young woman in line had at least eight trades with her and looked so sad upon learning of the limit that the two ladies behind her, who had only one book each, offered to help out. Ennis was charmed when he realized the three had helped one another out. The line grew just a little chaotic as clusters of people arrived to meet up with those waiting in their stead; however, since Friday is never as bad as Saturday–the event’s busiest day–Midtown Comics managed to keep things as organized as possible. People waiting for Ennis received a red ticket and then were taken from the larger line to a smaller roped-off area. As always, Ennis was delightful and personable, and allowed fans to take pictures with him.

About Viv Gomez 32 Articles
Vivian Gomez is a freelance writer for Journatic and a contributing writer for several online publications, including eHow,, Answerbag, and She loves the marriage of good writing and beautiful, fantastic art, and that's mostly why she writes here.