Unusual Stranger
Real name: Bob Rothwell
Years active: 2000-present, East Tennessee area and Internet
With the dawning of the Twenty-First Century, it appeared that Chattanooga would never again claim a horror host of its own. Bob Rothwell heard the call, however, and soon viewers were host to a most unusual stranger.
The Unusual Stranger, garbed as a luchador, hosted various films ranging in quality from cheaply made Mexican horror films like the Brainiac to the legendary kaiju film Gamera the Invincible. Forgoing the traditional television station format, the Unusual Stranger seemed poised to be the first purely online host based out of Tennessee, although his output seems to have dropped off as of late.
Super Unusual Theater is presently playing on YouTube, although the latest episode was posted in 2011, and has a blog, complete with comic-based adventures!