Last year’s Summer Games marked the very first Overwatch in-game event, with tons of new cosmetics and a new limited-time arcade game: Lucioball! As Halloween and Winter Wonderland events quickly filled the schedule, many players have spent the year wondering if there would be a follow-up to the 2016 Rio Olympics inspired Summer event that started it all. Luckily, the Summer Games are back!
Overwatch fans will be happy to see that last year’s cosmetics are available for a discount, at the cost of their non-event equivalents. In addition to the opportunity to buy last year’s limited editions, this year brings exciting new skins, voice lines, highlight intros, and more!
We have seven new Legendary skins for Mercy, Widowmaker, Sombra, Soldier 76, Reaper, McCree, and Junkrat.
Six new medal themed Victory Poses for Bastion, Tracer, Symmetra, Sombra, Mercy, and Hanzo.
Seven new sprays – one featuring last year’s Rio spray with the “2016” removed, making that a spray exclusive for those who got it last year, and three sprays for Orisa, Doomfist, and Sombra, who were introduced after the event ended. There are also three more achievement exclusive sprays featuring Pharah, Zenyatta, and Reaper, that you can get by playing Lucioball!
There are two new highlight intros for Pharah and Hanzo, featuring basketball and archery respectively.
There is a just one single new emote for Ana this year.
And, finally, all heroes received at least one new voiceline this year, with characters that did not exist last year receiving two.