It’s finally time to be excited for a Nintendo cellphone game, as the gaming giant has announced that it will be bringing none other then Mario Kart to your Android and Apple phones between April and March of this year. Last year, Nintendo had planned to bring us a total of five cellphone games before the end of the year, but they were unable to deliver on that promise. Here’s hoping this works out better for them!
History of Nintendo Apps
It’s not that Nintendo’s previous attempts at mobile games have been all-bad, exactly. Miitomo’s weird “social network” fell short of gaining a large audience, finally being put to bed this May as Nintendo seems to be leaving the Mii avatars behind completely, but the app did have a following. Nintendo’s other games have seemed moderately successful, but they all seem to miss something quintessentially Nintendo. Super Mario Run is a fun game that falls short of capturing that Mario-magic, while never really competing in the running-game genera. Fire Emblem Heroes (aka the Waifu Simulator) is enjoyable enough, but was unable to capture the expansiveness of the FE franchise. Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp felt like the most successful endeavor to date, its feeling and mechanics perfectly mimicking the monotony of the original Animal Crossing games while leveraging the convenience of being someplace you can easily come back to for more each day; your phone.
Bring on Mario Kart!
But now we have Mario Kart, and it seems a perfect fit for your cell phone! Just imagine being able to race anywhere with your friends, online or local. Microtransactions for new cars or courses or racers. A consistent stream of content to get excited about right in your pocket, because no matter how portable Nintedo’s newest console is, most people’s pockets are simply not big enough to hod their Switch.
I, for one, am looking forward to getting to Kart around on my phone whenever I have an idle moment. Just be sure not to play with your phone while operating a real moving vehicle.