Welcome to the Play-In Round for Non-Productive.com‘s March Madness competition to determine the most powerful Disney character of all time!
For this year’s nerd-centric March Madness, we’re asking you, the geeks of the world, to decide once and for all which Disney character is the most powerful of them all! And “powerful” is big word – it can mean infinite cosmic abilities like Genie, a breakout star like Olaf, a legendary icon like Mickey, or a character that breaks molds to inspires us like Mulan.
Thanks to your help, we’ve already seeded the major players in our competition, but there are five precious slots open for the fan-favorites below! Pick the character that is most powerful to you, and give them a shot at Disney and NonPro immortality!
This round is over, for the latest round,
Who gets the Hail-Mary slots??
Game 1
Judge Claude Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Olaf from Frozen
One is among the most realistic depictions of evil ever captured by an animated movie, and the other is a character from The Hunchback of Notre Dame! Hah! Actually, Judge Frollo is a signature creepy bad guy fueled by lust for Esmeralda and an over-inflated sense of his self-worth. Olaf is a lovable breakout star; a snowman that longs for the Summer! Two very different characters fighting for the chance to define Disney Power.
Game 2
Abu from Aladdin
Roger Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Abu is another lovable sidekick, one of the most popular from the Disney Renaissance. Roger was the star of an unprecedented film project that not only merged live-action with animation, but merged different animation studios together for the first time!
Game 3
Mabel and Dipper from Gravity Falls
Tinkerbell from Peter Pan
Gravity Falls was a Disney Channel animated series that brought together Twin Peaks and The X-Files, but you know, for kids – while Tinkerbell is a literal icon blessing generations worth of Disney films with her magical touch.
Game 4
Marlin from Finding Nemo
Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland
Disney’s Cheshire Cat became the defacto visual representation of the Alice in Wonderland character, but Nemo’s dad risked everything to find his son, and if that’s not powerful, we don’t know what is!
Game 5
Animatronic Lincoln from The Hall of Presidents Ride
Max (the sentient starship) from Flight of the Navigator
We… we’re not really sure how this happened.
But thank our animatronic founding fathers and robot aliens that it did.