E3 is only a few days away and game companies are already announcing what games are going to make an appearance, to the point where the joke for this year’s conference is “there are no surprises.” Among all of these reveals, five games stand out as ones to look out for, and could potentially be the buzz of the conference. Don’t see a game you’re looking forward to on the list? Sound off on the comments below and tell us!
5. Star Wars: Battlefront
After footage from the now-defunct Battlefront 3 from Free Radical Design was leaked in 2013, many fans were clamoring for another game in the popular series. EA and DICE answered the fanbase at E3 later that year when they released the first teaser trailer for their version of Battlefront, now billed as it’s own game and not a continuation of the previous series. Since then, information has slowly come out, with a “Making of” trailer at E3 2014, and a cinematic trailer at this year’s Star Wars Celebration. The first gameplay trailer of the game will be shown at this year’s E3, presumably a part of EA’s annual presentation. Battlefront is the first major video game of the “new” Star Wars franchise since Disney has taken over, and will be the first game to feature content from the new trilogy with the DLC “Battle of Jakku” map. Will we find out hints about Episode VII from this new map? Will Battlefront just be a re-skinned Battlefield for better and/or for worse? Can yet another Battle of Hoth level still be fun? Will you be able to shoot Ewoks? The E3 presentation should finally answer some of these questions..
4. XCOM 2
Back at the end of May, 2K Games released a teaser website for the “ADVENT Administration,” the apparent ruling group of a futuristic, dystopian world. A week later it was revealed that ADVENT is the ruling government of an alien-conquered Earth in XCOM 2, the sequel to 2012’s acclaimed XCOM: Enemy Unknown. The debut cinematic trailer showed that XCOM has now become a rag-tag force, fighting to liberate Earth from their alien conquerors and their collaborators. New enemies, classes, and weapons were shown, as well as a new gameplay focus on stealth and guerrilla tactics. Players will get their first look at these new changes and additions at E3, as well as possibly more details about the modding tools the developers have been talking about. With the success of Enemy Unknown (and the expansion Enemy Within), there is a lot of fan excitement and anticipation for what 2K is going to show next.
3. Fallout 4
On June 2nd, the Bethesda Twitter account tweeted a simple message: #PleaseStandBy and a link to their Twitch channel. Surely enough, the debut trailer for Fallout 4 was revealed the next day, giving fans some information about what it’s going to be about, but also raising a ton of questions as well. The game is set in Boston, the player character is another Vault dweller, and you as per Fallout tradition, you get a dog companion. But what’s with the images of pre-nuclear war America? Will Fallout 4 be the first game with a voiced player character? Will this game’s engine be any more stable from the notoriously buggy Gamebryo engine used in Fallout 3/New Vegas? For the first time ever, Bethesda is having it’s own stage presentation the day before E3, and it’s assumed that Fallout 4 is going to be a major part of it, and it’s likely a lot more information will be revealed.
2. Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst
EA shocked the world (or at least me) back at E3 2013 when they closed their presentation with the teaser trailer reveal of a new Mirror’s Edge game developed by DICE. The first was critically acclaimed and loved by fans, but due to poor sales,many feared that the franchise was done for. However, it appears that the reboot of the series, now officially named “Catalyst,” is on track to present at E3 this year. There has been little information released about the game so far, only a development trailer from E3 2014, some pieces of artwork, and reassurances from senior producer Sara Jansson on the official website. Many fans are concerned that the developers are putting too much (or even any) focus on combat, and fear that the first game’s unique aspects of running, parkour, and outright avoiding fights have been pushed to the wayside. However, the developers have said that the main focus of gameplay is momentum and movement, and that the combat system is designed around that. It will be interesting to see whether or not it will be a system that will appeal to both new and returning players.
1. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
Arguably the biggest game of E3 this year, even before the controversy between Konami and Hideo Kojima first came to light The Phantom Pain is rapidly approaching it’s September 1st release date, and the embargo from a 12-hour playthrough session for media outlets has just been lifted. Details of the game have been trickling in, from gameplay impressions, to the 80s soundtrack, to finding out you can turn your mercenary base into a petting zoo. In short, The Phantom Pain looks to be the best game in the the Metal Gear franchise, and possibly one of the best games of the year. Kojima has confirmed that he has made a new six minute trailer for E3, but it does not look like he’ll be present at the conference itself. Whether more information and/or gameplay will be revealed remains to be seen (a gameplay demonstration will likely happen), seeing more of Kojima’s swan song for one of the most beloved franchises in video game history is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated parts of this year’s E3.