SNL Nerds – Episode 25 – Comedian HostsMarch 25, 2019-It’s another skip week for Saturday Night Live, so Darin and John discuss stand-up comedians who’ve hosted SNL. Carlin! Pryor! Seinfeld! Chappelle! Controversial moments and [...]
SNL Nerds – Episode 23 – Idris Elba and KhalidMarch 11, 2019-John and Darin talk about Idris Elba’s first time hosting SNL, with discussion about racial politics, musicians doing heinous things, and the surprisingly hard-to-pronounce Beau [...]
SNL Nerds – Episode 21 – Favorite CharactersFebruary 25, 2019-SNL is off this week, so Darin and John are talking about their favorite SNL recurring characters! Characters from the 70s! Characters from the 80s! [...]
SNL Nerds – Episode 19 – HalseyFebruary 11, 2019-SNL is back with an all-new episode, and so are the SNL Nerds! This week, John & Darin talk about how Halsey did in her [...]
SNL Nerds – Episode 18 – Athlete HostsFebruary 4, 2019-SNL was off for Superb Owl Sunday this week, so Darin & John are talking about athletes who’ve hosted SNL! From football to baseball to [...]