Near Mint Radio – Comic News!July 23, 2013-Maude TV Show reboot! IDW’s newest license! THE MAXX re-released! Robert Kirkman churns out more Walking Dead What really happened on the Louis and Clark [...]
Alter Negro – The Dark HashtagJuly 22, 2013-Is Black Twitter really a thing? Why are people so interested in studying it? Also, more Nerd Rage (why the f*** did they let Vin [...]
Best of Three – Battlefield GamesJuly 22, 2013-It’s the premiere episode of’s Board Game Show, BEST OF THREE! Three hosts each pick their favorite board game of a given genre, and [...]
The Loud Idiots – From Sharknado To Creve Coeur, MOJuly 16, 2013-We welcome the return of actress/writer Stephanie Sanditz and her creative partner Kimberly McCullough to discuss their new film “Creve Coeur, MO” and the guys [...]
The Loud Idiots – Super Powered DebateJuly 9, 2013-On this episode, The Idiots have a heated debate over comic book archetypes pitted against each other in battle. With in-studio guest Lisa Marie Dusak, [...]
Near Mint Radio – Superior Spider-JERKJuly 9, 2013-We gossip about the “Guardians of the Galaxy” film casting, recap “Superior Spider-Man” and visit with his “Superior Foes” and disagree violently about our “Trinity [...]