School’s everywhere are being let out just in time for the Zombie Apocalypse, and we here at NonPro are ready to throw off all our clothes and go skinny dipping down at the old swimming-hole – but as another citation for public nudity would be our third strike, we’re beating the heat by staying in and listening to glorious podcasts!
And since Summer is the season to forget everything you’ve learned during the school year, we’re making June Geekademia Month, so get ready to listen to a bunch of really smart people talking about really stupid topics! Comics Books! Genre Fiction! Old Video Games! In fact, start enjoying the show today!
And now for this month’s Calendar!
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D&D Next!
Lovers of old school role-playing games, rejoice! The game that started it all, Dungeons and Dragons, is preparing its newest edition of the game – and we at NonPro want to invite you to join our exclusive playtest sessions online! For more information, check out this post, and send us your info.
Curious about what D&D is? Check out some of our Game Night Podcasts!
Find our latest podcasts here.
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NonPro sings the songs that make the whole world sing, and more! |