Vivienne and Frank gush over this week’s “Sleepy Hollow”

NonPro's Vivienne Cleary

Vivienne Cleary


NonPro's Frank Hablawi

Frank Hablawi

Vivienne Cleary
Vivienne Cleary
I have feelings, Frank. I have so many feelings about Sleepy Hollow right now. I can’t even…


Frank ร– Hablawi
Frank ร– Hablawi
For serious. I was all full of pointless outrage and then I went to sleep because I’m pretending to be an adult.

Please, let those feels fly! Tell me where it feels.

Vivienne Cleary
Vivienne Cleary
Ok, so please tell me of YOUR pointless outrage, because I suspect it might intersect, at least in part with some of mine.

I also thought, from an acting standpoint, that there were some very interesting and lovely moments, so I am conflicted about 1.03

Frank ร– Hablawi
Frank ร– Hablawi
Alright, two big things since we’d need to formally sit and watch together to do a proper review/venting:

1. It took SEVEN years for Abbie to admit to being a tool to her sister?? Also, I’m glad the Native American Freddy Krugger Spirit accepted her apology, but I totally didn’t see any real remorse for what she put her sister through. That better come later.

2. Shaman Used Car Dealer. I admit is sounds glamorous and hilarious (glamarious?) on paper, but come on. Don’t be culture-dicks.

I have no idea why I like Orlando Jones so much!

How about it?

Vivienne Cleary
Vivienne Cleary
Hahaha! Glamarious it is. But only is pronounced in the British way: Glamaaaaarious.

As to your points- 1. This one didn’t bother me too much, though I took note of it. What bothered me more about the Abbie/Jenny thing is that it is SO DIFFICULT to get an obviously mentally I’ll person with a non-violent criminal record committed, let alone keep them there for any length of time. Even the violent delusional schizophrenics are released after several consecutive months of taking their meds. So, yeah, that was a sticking point for me.

2. Completely agree! “How dare you make stereotypical assumptions about me! I am so fucking offended!… Oh, ok… You got me. The Demon Dream Fighting Station is in the back. Nope, didn’t even have to go to the market for the scorpions, why d’ya ask?”

Now, As an actor, I do have to say that the non-verbal cues of the deepening partnership between Ichabod & Abbie were right on tone. Very well cast, it’s clear they have great give & take creatively. They are just a joy together.

As a fangirl, in the final dream, the Ro’hypnol dude (let’s just pretend that’s his name, ok) has cut off Ichabod’s arm is slowly killing him and Ichabod is STILL TRYING TO CRAWL TO ABBIE TO SAVE HER! Yeah, I’m already seeing fan Fic inspired by that.

The second to last scene where they are back in their “special place” and trying to get their bearings and they both just start laughing because of how ridiculous and hopeless their situation really is. That moment was kind of perfect.

Orlando Jones is just the dude. Also not sure why, but it is one of the things in life you simply accept. His twitter & tumblr feeds are hilarious.


Frank ร– Hablawi
Frank ร– Hablawi
I think I like that Orlando Jones is playing off-type here; he’s a funny guy being a hard ass – and you sort of have to respect his role as the rock that all this crazy stuff is flying around. I like it!

I’m right with you on the scene where Icky (no, we shouldn’t call him that) keeps trying to help Abbie. It’s badass. Same with the recuperation scene in their clubhouse/hideout that Captain Irving just sort of decides to let them keep. I enjoy how exhausted they were, and I wish they had more time to dwell on how crazy their lives have suddenly become. I love every time Tom Mison has to puzzle through what Nicole Beharie is saying to him – just watch his eyes and eyebrows squirm up. It’s like he’s only partially understanding the words she is saying, which totally makes sense.

So, let me know if you are with me on this… I feel like Abbie and Ichabod have a brother/sister thing going on. I think a big part of it is that I’m sort of over every male/female relationship coming down to romantic interests, but I also think it’s the acting and the story itself. Ichabod teases Abbie about her old boyfriend, and Abbie teases him about his wife. Holy crap, Ichabod and Abbie even have a secret clubhouse together that Dad let’s them keep so long as they promise not to bust anymore holes in the walls! Neat!

What do you think? Are they a surrogate family?

Vivienne Cleary
Vivienne Cleary
I do see & appreciate the platonic-ness of their present friendship. After all, Abbie just got rid of Luke the Douche (I’ve decided that he is a needy, insecure dick, ok? Just go with me on this) and, in Crane’s mind, he’s still married! Katrina may be “dead”, or more likely “undecided”, but even if it’s the former, to Ichabod, it has only been a month tops since he last saw her in real life. Nobody is jumping into anything soon.

That said… I am open to mutual curiosity at one point down the line. Like, a few seasons from now. I’m not sure if I want them to follow through in it, but the Merlin/Arthur dynamic of “They totally want to, but will never ever do anything to risk the friendship” (once again, just go with me on this.)

What I DO love is that the writers aren’t pushing in the romantic direction in any way. C’mon, we have our two very attractive stars topless on tables, writhing and sweating like porn stars from scorpion venom and ABBIE IS WEARING A SPORTS BRA! OMG I LOVED THAT! She’s a freaking cop! You know almost every other show would have her wearing La Perla under there (I’m looking at YOU, CSI & NCIS!). Bravo, writers.

Frank ร– Hablawi
Frank ร– Hablawi
I didn’t even notice the sports bra! (Well… I did… you know what I mean)

That’s pretty sweet.

Frank and Vivienne